Server Side Characters (SSC)

What Server Side Characters are

Server Side Characters is a special mechanism designed for Terraria servers that forces players to start with fresh characters when they join. This means they lose all of their items. This is purely server-side, though, it will not affect their actual Singleplayer character. Server Side Characters are what you need if you wish to prevent people from bringing in items from other servers and/or singleplayer and force them to start from scratch.


The SuperAdmin bypasses SSC

The SuperAdmin account has all permissions on your server. This includes the permission to ignore Server Side Characters (tshock.ignore.ssc).
If you want to start with a fresh character and still have SuperAdmin privileges, create a new group and grant it the following permissions: *, !tshock.ignore.ssc. This will enable every permission (*), then negate the SSC ignoring permission (!tshock.ignore.ssc).
Example: /group addperm <group name> * !tshock.ignore.ssc

Enabling Server Side Characters and configuring the setup

All you have to do to enable Server Side Characters is open the tshock folder -> sscconfig.json and set the Enabled flag to true.

The configuration file:

{ "Enabled": false, "ServerSideCharacterSave": 5, "LogonDiscardThreshold": 250, "StartingHealth": 100, "StartingMana": 20, "StartingInventory": [ { "netID": -15, "prefix": 0, "stack": 1 }, { "netID": -13, "prefix": 0, "stack": 1 }, { "netID": -16, "prefix": 0, "stack": 1 } ] }


  • Type: Boolean
  • Description: Indicates whether SSC is enabled or not


  • Type: Int32
  • Description: Represents the save interval, in minutes. This means that the server will create a backup of every player's character and save it every 5 minutes


  • Type: Int32
  • Description: The time to disallow discarding items after logging in


  • Type: Int32
  • Description: The amount of health points players are given upon initial login


  • Type: Int32
  • Description: The amount of mana points players are given upon initial login


  • Type: TShockAPI.NetItem[]
  • Description: Represents the starting kit. Players are given copper tools by default, but you can change this by modifying the netID field. You can find a list of item IDs on Terraria's wiki page.