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Basic Region Management

Setting Up Regions; Basic Region Use

As an aspiring server admin, you might have come across the problem of areas in your world constantly being changed that you wish to have protected.
You can use the region commands to accomplish this. Regions encompass an area of tiles in-game in the form of a rectangle. They may exert some options or some form of control over these regions as well.

To create a basic region, you must set two corners of a rectangle. The distance between these two corners will determine the width and height of the rectangle. You need to use the /region set command to do this. Keep in mind that there are two corners to set, these corners are the deterministic corners and are always diagonally away from each other. To set the first corner of the rectangle, you must use the /region set 1 command and then edit any tile in the world. This edit can consist of breaking a tile (don't worry, it will come back!), hitting a tile but not breaking it, setting a tile down, shooting an ice rod shot that creates an ice block, or placing or breaking wires. Once you've done so, you can then set the second point to complete the rectangle the same way you set the first point. To set the second point you need to use the /region set 2 command and edit any tile like you did for the first point.

With a rectangle like this selected, you may cause certain things to occur, or prevent them from occurring, to every single block in the area of the rectangle.
In this part of the tutorial we'll just turn on region protection. This denies editing of any of the tiles in the region to anybody without permission. To do this we need to define our region. We have the region set temporarily with the two points we set. Now we need to make it permanent and give it a name. You can use the /region define [name] command to do this. Just fill in whichever name you would like.

Next, we need to protect our region. To do this we'll set the 'protect' flag in the region to true. To protect the region you should use the /region protect [name] true command. This sets 'protection' to true in the region you specified. You can also disable the protection by using the /region protect [name] false command. This means the "true" and "false" parts of the command are interchangeable.


Region names are case sensitive.

If you wish to have a region with multiple words, use quotation marks around the region name. This also goes for any command that takes in any sort of name, including those that affect users directly. As a general rule of thumb if it has spaces in it then wrap it in quotation marks!