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Basic User Management

As a now-verified superadmin, you can do a number of things involving users and user groups.

It should be understood that there are no 'admins' or 'moderators' in TShock. It's sort of an abstract concept, compared to what you may be used to, but bear with me. How the groups work in TShock is that you create them and assign them permissions. Permissions allow the group members to perform specific actions based on the permissions. For example: you might want your "admin" group to have the "tshock.admin.kick" permission. That is, to allow them to kick people out of the server. You might have named it "admin" but the group you made isn't an admin group. It's just a group with the ability to kick people.

TShock automatically generates some default groups to make your life easier. Any simple server can run off these groups fine.

You have a suite of user commands at your disposal. They all fall under the /user command. You must specify a sub-command to perform specific actions.
These are the sub-commands for the /user command.

  • add
  • del
  • password
  • group
  • help

Each of these sub-commands is added to your main command when you run /user. For example, if I want to use the group sub-command, I would input /user group. The same goes for all of the others.

Each sub-command requires its own arguments, or specifications. These arguments let you tell the command what it is you want it to edit or what it is you want it to do.
Let us keep using the /user group example and illustrate the use of arguments.
This sub-command allows us to move a user from one group to another. The group sub-command requires these arguments: [username] [newgroupname]. We need to tell it which user we want to move and to which group we want them in.

Here is an example use for this command:

/user group Ijwu admin


Do not assign a user to the 'superadmin' group! This gives them all of the permissions. It will only end in abuse and pain on your part. It is vital you take the time to set up a proper group and permission structure.

Now that you know how the command, sub-commands, and the arguments work. I'll list all of the sub-commands, their required arguments, a brief description, and an example usage:

/user subcommands list