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Advanced Region Management

Advanced Region Management and Region Command Reference

Let's pretend for a moment. Let's say you've set a region but you didn't make it big enough, or it's not covering the tiles you'd like it to. You can change the boundaries of a defined region with a special command.

This command is the /region expand command. It is very useful and allows on-the-fly region modification. To use the /region expand command you need to have, of course, already set a region and defined it. Now, if you feel you want to expand one of its boundaries you will have to keep in mind which side you want to expand. You need to provide the command with the region name, the side you want to change, and the amount you want to change it (in tiles).

An example usage for this command would be /region expand region1 r 2. This would expand the region "region1" by 2 tiles to the right. Notice that I used the letter "r" in place of the word "right". They are interchangeable. The four directions you may expand a region to are up (u), down (d), left (l), and right (r). These commands are intuitive and you should even be able to guess them.
Note: The expand sub-command may be interchanged with the sub-command "resize". /region expand region1 left 2 and /region resize region1 left 2 cause the same effect.

You might want to only allow certain people to be able to change a region. Perhaps you have two separate teams and you want each team to have their own build site. Or perhaps you want to give a certain person a specific build area. These things are all possible using TShock's region commands.

You may use the /region allow command to allow a specific user to access and change a region. This user will behave as if everything is normal when in the region due to being added to the exception list. To add a user to a region you need to pass the region and user names to the command. Here is an example of the usage: /region allow Ijwu region1.

Inversely, you may remove a player from a group. This can be done with the /region remove command with the same syntax. An example would be /region remove Ijwu region1.

You may do they same thing with whole groups. These group commands use the same syntax but the commands are /region allowg and /region removeg. Since the general idea of these commands is explained above, the specifics of allowg and removeg will be explained in the command list below.



There are commands in here not explained above. It is highly recommended you read this list top to bottom!

Region Subcommands List

Sub-command: set

  • Arguments: [1/2]
  • Description: Sets the designated temporary point for the area you are trying to highlight as a region.
  • Example Usage
  • /region set 1
  • You then proceed to edit any tile to set it as the point.

Sub-command: define

  • Arguments: [name]
  • Description: Once you've designated both points with /region set, you may turn them into a region by using this command.
  • Example Usage
  • /region define region1

Sub-command: name

  • Arguments: [-u] [-z] [-p]
  • Description: Once you run this command, you may edit a tile to retrieve which region it is a part of. The optional flag -u will include unprotected regions with your check. The optional flag -z will inform you of the z-index of the region. The optional flag -p will activate persistent mode allowing you to check many areas in a row.
  • Example Usage
  • /region name
  • Then you edit any tile.

Sub-command: protect

  • Arguments: [region] [true/false]
  • Description: Turns the protection of a region on or off depending on which option you used.
  • Example Usage
  • /region protect region1 true

Sub-command: delete

  • Arguments: [region]
  • Description: Deletes the specified region.
  • Example Usage
  • /region delete region1

Sub-command: clear

  • Arguments: None
  • Description: Clears any and all of the temporary points you may have selected.
  • Example Usage
  • /region clear

Sub-command: allow

  • Arguments: [player] [region]
  • Description: Allows a user to have normal permissions within a region. Allowing them to build and act normally within it.
  • Example Usage
  • /region allow Ijwu region1

Sub-command: remove

  • Arguments: [user name] [region name]
  • Description: Removes a player from a region's permissions list. This player can not build or act normally within the region that they are removed from.
  • Example Usage
  • /region remove Ijwu region1

Sub-command: allowg

  • Arguments: [group name] [region name]
  • Description: Allows a whole usergroup to edit and behave normally within a region. This command can be used for teams and large bulks of players.
  • Example Usage
  • /region allowg admin region1

Sub-command: removeg

  • Arguments: [group name] [region name]
  • Description: Removes a whole usergroup from having the ability to edit or act normally within the specified region.
  • Example Usage
  • /region removeg admin region1

Sub-command: list

  • Arguments: [page]
  • Description: Shows you a list of the regions currently created in the world and server you're in. If the amount of regions exceed the amount a page may hold, then you can increment the page number you used to see more.
  • Example Usage
  • /region list
  • Sub-command: info
  • Arguments: [region] [-d]
  • Description: Shows you information about the region you provided. This will show the position, size, name, and options of the region. The optional -d flag will outline the region with wires. Equip a wiring tool in order to see the outline. The wires disappear after 5 seconds.
  • Example Usage
  • /region info region1

Sub-command: expand

  • Arguments: [region] [direction] [amount]
  • Description: Moves a region's borders in the direction specified by the amount specified. The directions available are: up, down, left, and right. They may also be abbreviated to: u, d, l, and r. You may use a negative number to contract the region.
  • Example Usage
  • /region expand region1 l -2


Sub-command: resize

Description: This command is synonymous to the expand command. They are both the same.

Sub-command: z

  • Arguments: [region] [z]
  • Description: Sets the z-index for a region. The region with a smaller z will take precedence over any region it overlaps that has a higher z.
  • Example Usage
  • /region z region1 3

Sub-command: help

  • Arguments: None
  • Description: Shows similar, albeit less, information to what I've written in this tutorial area.
  • Example Usage
  • /region help